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2022-09-29 (8)

Dr. Cristina Ziliani – Ethics and Sustainability Research: Analysing 58 programs in 10 countries and 15 industries

Cristina Ziliani, Ph.D is Professor of Marketing at the University of Parma, Italy. She lectures on loyalty management at leading universities and business events around the world, including the US, Japan, UK, France and Spain. She has been the Director of the Osservatorio Fedeltà UniPR (Loyalty Observatory) since 1999, dedicated to research, consulting and education on Loyalty Management, CRM and CX. She is the author of +50 research papers on loyalty and 5 books, the latest being “Loyalty Management. From loyalty programs to omnichannel customer experiences” published by Routledge.

At the 2022 ALA International Loyalty Conference, Dr. Ziliani presented on ‘Ethics and Sustainability Research: Analysing 58 programs in 10 countries and 15 industries.’. Stream the recording of her presentation now.

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