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About Eagle Eye

At Eagle Eye, we believe that, through technology, there is now a better, simpler and cheaper way to achieve genuine omnichannel personalisation.

Our digital marketing platform, AIR, provides you with the capability to connect your entire ecosystem – through promotion, loyalty points, cashback, partner offers, even access to a subscription service

By connecting all aspects of the customer journey, we can ensure that all existing marketing operations are streamlined and that systems are no longer holding our clients back from acting on modern data analytics to deliver one to one marketing.

Eagle Eye AIR is trusted by the world’s leading companies, including Asda, CocaCola, Diageo, JD Sports, John Lewis, Loblaw, Pret a Manger, Sainsbury’s, Southeastern Grocers, Tesco, Virgin, Woolworths Group and The Warehouse Group.

Contact Person

Jonathan Reeve
General Manager APAC


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Level 32, 367 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC

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