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Can a loyalty program empower your CX strategy and vision?

Finding new ways to engage with customers and build long-term loyalty is central to the CX strategy of most businesses. A loyalty program that includes experiential rewards rather than a purely traditional points-based system can be an effective tool for building customer loyalty.

Building and maintaining customer loyalty before covid was a challenge. That challenge became more difficult because of the changes in consumer behaviour and the rapid shift to digital channels. Since the pandemic, many businesses, according to Sarah Richardson – Chair of the Australian Loyalty Association (ALA), have developed loyalty programs. She comments, “Loyalty programs are much more prevalent now than they were before Covid. Many businesses who didn’t have customer data to rely on, suffered greatly during the pandemic. Without customer data, it’s impossible to develop a deep understanding of customers and for many industries, you can’t collect customer data unless you have a loyalty program in place.”

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Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

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